Golda Grumet |
Zev Gross |
The Felts, Saba and Savta with Golda Grumet |
Misha Kovac (Cousin from the Rubins' side, lives near Haifa) |
Irv Maisel |
At Sheva Brachot, with Batsheva and David Pomerantz, Aunt Sally, and Esther and Yisroel Blatman (Nachum is in the background!) |
Azzie Heuman |
Aunt Avigail, Tzivya, and Elisheva Rubin |
Howie Maisel, Refael Weingot |
Saba with Misha Kovac (cousin from near Haifa) |
Mayer speaking at Sheva Brachot |
The Felts with Sarah Stepansky |
Varda Deutsch |
The Heumans, Varda Deutsch, Moshe and Mayer |