Pictures from Aryeh and Soro Chana Rubin's Wedding
(February 5, 2001)

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Golda Grumet

Zev Gross

The Felts, Saba and Savta with Golda Grumet

Misha Kovac (Cousin from the Rubins' side, lives near Haifa)

Irv Maisel

At Sheva Brachot, with Batsheva and David Pomerantz, Aunt Sally, and Esther and Yisroel Blatman (Nachum is in the background!)

Azzie Heuman

Aunt Avigail, Tzivya, and Elisheva Rubin

Howie Maisel, Refael Weingot

Saba with Misha Kovac (cousin from near Haifa)

Mayer speaking at Sheva Brachot

The Felts with Sarah Stepansky

Varda Deutsch

The Heumans, Varda Deutsch, Moshe and Mayer